Archive › Organizational Change

Both, And.

Moving Out of An “Either/Or” World “One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment…; If it doesn’t turn out right, we can modify it as we go along.” — Franklin Roosevelt Our society is addicted to problem solving. In fact, there are […]

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Wisdom of “The Dog Whisperer,” “Super Nanny,” and a Kindergarten Teacher

“Dogs communicate through energy. You display leadership by projecting calm, assertive energy.” — Cesar Milan, “The Dog Whisperer” I’m amazed by the amount of negative, destructive energy that “leaders” expend when it comes to implementing change. Even in simple things — like trying to get people to pay attention at the beginning of a meeting […]

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CRUSH Your Comfort Zone!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin “I’m James.” Have you ever had one of those moments when the universe just seems to make perfect sense? I had one recently, and the entire encounter took eight seconds. […]

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Feeling Collaborative? NOT SO FAST!

“Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn’t listening.” Emma Thompson If I had $1 for every time I’ve heard the word “collaborate” in the past five years, I’m sure the Tipton family college fund (two more kids to go!) would be fully funded. I hear […]

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Self-Serving Cooks Spoil the Enterprise

“Smart people instinctively understand the dangers of entrusting our future to self-serving leaders who use our institutions.. whether in the corporate or social sectors.. to advance their own interests.” Jim Collins (author, “Good to Great”) When I come into an organization I’m often struck by statements like, “We just don’t know what we’re doing around […]

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Suffering Can Have a Silver Lining

“Parents aren’t interested in justice. Parents are interested in quiet.” – Bill Cosby I love that quote from Bill Cosby — because it rings SO TRUE. It’s not that we want our children to really change their behavior, or to need us to address the root causes behind their issues, most of the time we […]

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14 Golden Rules of Successful Change

. We think we know what you might be saying to yourselves… . “Change initiatives can actually succeed? Really? And there are 14 different “golden rules” as to why?” . Yes, yes — and yes, here are our “Change Management Pro’s 14 Golden Rules of Successful Change” (separated into three major categories — awareness which […]

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Our New “Change Management Pro” Site

. . We have a belief that people don’t resist change, they resist “being changed” without their permission, or their involvement. Think about it — how many times have you received an ultimatum, or an edict from a boss, or have been “subjected” to the will of one political party or another, or have received […]

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